This is a video of the most recent chanel show, Spring Summer 2009, as you can see even a few outfits in, the fabric and even the pattern has been used. Tweed is a signature fabric for la maison de chanel, and was used throughout the years by the founder designer, Coco Chanel, and has now been reinvented by Karl Lagerfeld by playing with the thread sizes and even using it as a printed pattern.
But to cut to the geography of tweed in Chanel, Where does tweed come from? along with Chanel's other supplies.....
Tweed- When Coco Chanel first used tweed in one of the trademark 'Chanel suits', people were taken aback. Firstly, before the jacket was tweed, it was made from wool jersey, it was also colar-less which wasn't really seen before. But also, tweed was a trademark british fabric, so to use tweed in the '30's Paris fashion scene was almost anti-patriotic! :D tweed was first taken in around (this is where the geography comes in :P) the 1938 in the stock market crash, because it was a cheaper fabric to bring in from places like Scotland or England. But as the demand for the fast becoming classic of the chanel tweed suit increased, Chanel began to produce their own tweed in industrial Paris. Since then, Karl Lagerfeld has taken over for Chanel, and has famously recreated the tweed suit to become more "youthful" by incorporating it in mini skirts, playing with thread sizes, and as you see in the video, using just the pattern of tweed without the actual fabric, and in these ways, Chanel's tweed suits have become so iconic that a giant suit jacket was recreated for the runway show in the grand palais, s/s 08
But to really focus on the geography of tweed... Tweed is a woolen fabric that's woven, and is mainly known for being produced in mild climates such as Ireland, Scotland, England etc. also because they traditionally wear tweed for events such as hunting etc. so there's your brief erm... geography of tweed :D
Tara. x.
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